Голливудская актриса Анджелина Джоли приютила в своем доме пострадавших от пожаров в Калифорнии.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that actress Angelina Jolie is providing shelter in her home for people who have been displaced by the devastating wildfires in California.
The article highlights Jolie's empathy and action by emphasizing her opening her doors to friends who have lost their homes due to the fires. It also mentions other celebrities who have been affected by the wildfires, such as Paris Hilton and Ben Affleck, further emphasizing the widespread impact of the disaster.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that actress Angelina Jolie is providing shelter in her home for people who have been displaced by the devastating wildfires in California. The article highlights Jolie's empathy and action by emphasizing her opening her doors to friends who have lost their homes due to the fires. It also mentions other celebrities who have been affected by the wildfires, such as Paris Hilton and Ben Affleck, further emphasizing the widespread impact of the disaster.